Motion Graphics

SIE Fund as part of the Task Force gave an account of its work progress in the Commission on Poverty Submit. An infographic leaflet and a motion graphics video were created to summarize the Fund’s development in the ...
SIE Fund: Achievement Hightlights Motion Graphics

In the past decade, on average one journalist is killed for reporting the news and bringing information to the public every week. In nine out of ten cases the killers go unpunished. UNESCO would like to raise public ...
UNESCO: Raising Awareness to End Impunity Motion Graphics

How could an organization fulfill corporate social responsibility (CSR)? The following explainer video excerpt would give you some ideas. ...
Hong Kong Council of Social Service: Overview of Caring Company Scheme – Motion Graphics Excerpt

This motion graphics video illustrates the development of local social enterprises in the past decade. Viewers can gradually understand the different stages and process of social enterprises development. ...