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This Achievement Infographic Factsheet Leaflet was distributed at the Commission on Poverty Submit. We illustrated some key highlights of SIE Fund’s achievement in 2015 and provided some more details in text for the ...

SIE Fund: Commission on Poverty Summit Infographic Factsheet

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SIE Fund as part of the Task Force gave an account of its work progress in the Commission on Poverty Submit. An infographic leaflet and a motion graphics video were created to summarize the Fund’s development in the ...

SIE Fund: Achievement Hightlights Motion Graphics

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Two fun and interesting booklets with mini-games and stamp collections are created for the Ocean Park's Exhibt Walk tour, encourage students to get more engaged to exploring the Park and learning about the animals' features ...

Ocean Park: Exhibit Walk Booklet

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English editorial board, formed by the students, interviews fellow students and teachers and writes about the many major school events. We are invited to design and produce the magazine to “inspire” more students to ...

Kowloon True Light School: INSPIRE – First English Magazine

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Being the opinion leader in social enterprises movement in Hong Kong, Fullness Social Enterprises Society (FSES) has commissioned Cou4 Interactive to design a cover for its book titled "Hong Kong Social Entrepreneurship ...

FSES: Social Entrepreneurship Development Best Practices

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To achieve Triple Zero in AIDS prevention - zero new infections, zero stigma, zero AIDS deaths, AIDS Concern issued its 5-year strategy plan for 2014-2019 in AIDS prevention in Hong Kong. This infographic summarises the four ...

AIDS Concern Infographic: AIDS Prevention in Hong Kong

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Study trip not only broadens the students’ horizons, but also offers them unforgettable learning experience. This special feature is made into a 4-panel leaflet to present the photos from the trip and the articles written ...

C.C.C. Kei Tsun Primary School: Singapore Study Trip Special Feature Leaflet

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2014 is the first year for the UN’s International Day to End Impunity. This award-winning infographic aims to raise global awareness of impunity, and make this grim topic shareable while still communicating the seriousness ...

UNESCO: Raising Awareness to End Impunity Infographic

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To promote corporate social responsibility, Hong Kong Council of Social Service has established the Caring Company Scheme to recognize the efforts that the company and organisations made. The following infographics and ...

Hong Kong Council of Social Service: Overview of Caring Company Scheme

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To encourage the students to practise English writing more, the school has formed a special editorial board, leaded by teachers to guide the students to create the articles. The magazine is designed with a yearly theme to ...

Lai Chack Middle School: Spotlight – Annual English Magazine

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Art and culture are one of the fundamental elements of any city. Knowing that school is a miniature of society, PLK has provided various kinds of arts and sports learning activities to help develop all-round students. This ...

PLK Chong Kee Ting Primary School: Arts and Sports Development Project Overview Booklet

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This sex education pamphlet, in form of infographics, provides tips on how parents should speak to their children about sex and reproduction, and how their children would change as they grow. A panel of the pamphlet can be ...

Family Planning Association of Hong Kong: Family Sex Education Pamphlet