Social Media Micro-Content
We may have recognized the need to recycle our wastes, but the per capita waste generation per day has increased by 11% in 5 years. Waste reduction is the key factor in solving our waste problem. Click here to see how ...
Cou4 Infographic: Personal Waste Reduction
Wish you and your family have a happy Mid-Autumn Festival! While you are having a good time, don't forget to protect our environment. Do you know one million moon cake tin boxes could be recycled then turned into reinforcing ...
Cou4 Infographic: Recycle Your Moon Cake Tins
Due to the lack of recycling facilities, only 1% of glass waste is being recycled in Hong Kong, this is way too low for an international city. Our earth depends on us, we must extend our glass recycling initiatives. For ...
Cou4 Infographic: Glass Recycling
You didn't read it wrong. Exporting recyclable wastes to other countries brings in enormous revenue to the Government. In a long run, it is beneficial to all of us. Putting wastes in the recycle bins is simple and easy. ...
Cou4 Infographic: Make a fortune by exporting our wastes
Our 3 major landfills will be full soon, we have to reduce our wasteloads to slow it down. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Recover are the 4Rs that we should practice. Click here to know more about recycle 101. [Cou4 ...
Cou4 Infographic: End of Landfills
Air conditioner consumes the most electricity among all appliances. Saving energy starts at using your air conditioner the smart way. Here is how to save money and save energy. [Cou4 ...
Cou4 Infographic: The Largest Energy Drainer
Hong Kong is such a small place, in over 200 countries and regions, Hong Kong’s total electricity consumption ranked 50th. Let's do our part to save energy and save the world. Here is how to save money and save energy. ...
Cou4 Infographic: Are we using too much electricity?
The previous director of the Hong Kong observatory, Lam Chiu Ying, has said saving energy is as simple as unplugging appliances when not in use. He has also changed his way of living - not using air conditioning when going ...
Cou4 Infographic: It’s simple and easy to save energy
While some people are sizzling in a subdivided flat, others are freezing in the shopping malls. Let's do our part to save the world. Here are some tips to stay cool and save money.
And click here to learn more about the ...
Cou4 Infographic: Too hot? Too cold?
Hunger pain, rental stress; these people need more attention and help from the society. Click here to find out more about the life in the sub-divided flat. Subscribe our "Cou4 Visuals Lab" Facebook page for more visual ...