Ocean Park Conservation Foundation

Fun and interesting parallax scrolling effects are used to present the event info of the first-ever Charity Run organized by OPCF. Visitors can gradually get to know the event by interacting with the ...
Ocean Park Conservation Foundation: Creative Parallax Scrolling Website

Clear and simple conservation message and interesting design make an event more attractive and enhance event ...
Ocean Park Conservation Foundation: Conservation Day Identity, Souvenir, and Props

Theme park visitors can scan QR code to watch the animaitons. We developed 3 stories – Love, Friendship and Family – to introduce the threats to the animals, so that visitors can learn in a more entertaining way. ...
Ocean Park Conservation Foundation: Conservation-themed Animations

Through a series of content marketing campaign, conservation messages are delivered to the target audience via different media and channels in a fun and engaging way. ...
Ocean Park Conservation Foundation: Cross-media Interactive Display

A total of six individual seahorses, comprising one male and five females belonging to one species, yellow seahorse (Hippocampus kuda), were observed at two diving sites in Sai Kung waters during a recent survey conducted by ...
Ocean Park Conservation Foundation Infographic: Seahorse Survey and Conservation

Ocean Park Conservation Foundation Infographic: Seahorse Survey and Tagging Project
Ocean Park Conservation Foundation has established their own seahorse survey in the eastern waters of Hong Kong since 2011, with aims ...