SynergyNet: Review of the Governance Performance of the HKSAR Government
SynergyNet has published a report on the Governance performance of our government and what kind of crisis it is facing. Let’s see how government should do to improve its performance through the infographics we’ve created. [Cou4 Infographic]
SynergyNet: Governance Reforms 2014 & Governance Crisis 2014
Ming Pao Column (2014 Jan 21): Hong Kong not only need universal suffrage, but also governance reform
Ming Pao also published the infographic in a column.
SynergyNet: Governance Crisis & Reforms Interactive Infographic
The readers could explore and compare the governance crisis that the Government is facing and the reforms Government could take to improve their governance. Through interacting in the infographics, the readers could understand the issues better and better recall the information afterwards. Move the slider to compare the “Before” and “After” of Governance Reforms.